
How To Fix Cracked Fitbit Screen

  • Before starting, take your Fitbit Charge 2 off the charger and power it down.

    • Before starting, take your Fitbit Charge 2 off the charger and power it down.

    • Remove the watch band on both sides.

  • Heat an iOpener and apply it to the touch screen for two minutes.

    • Heat an iOpener and apply it to the touch screen for two minutes.

    • The screen is not glued down, but the heat helps to loosen the touch screen assemly.

    • Insert an iSesamo into the gap between the touch screen and the watch assembly on the top left corner.

    • Slide the iSesamo along the left edge to the bottom left corner.

  • Slide the iSesamo around the bottom left corner. Slide it along the edge to the bottom right corner.

    • Slide the iSesamo around the bottom left corner.

    • Slide it along the edge to the bottom right corner.

  • Slide the iSesamo around the bottom right corner. Keep sliding it along the right edge to the top right corner. Keep sliding it along the right edge to the top right corner.

    • Slide the iSesamo around the bottom right corner.

    • Keep sliding it along the right edge to the top right corner.

  • Slide the iSesamo around the top right corner. Slide it along the top edge to the top left corner.

    • Slide the iSesamo around the top right corner.

    • Slide it along the top edge to the top left corner.

  • Place the iSesamo under the top left corner. Feel free to reattach the watch band for this and the next step for a better grip.

    • Place the iSesamo under the top left corner.

    • Feel free to reattach the watch band for this and the next step for a better grip.

    • Pry up the touch screen assembly by twisting the iSesamo sideways to create a gap and unhinge the plastic clips which are holding the screen in place.

  • Place the iSesamo under the top right corner. Pry up the touch screen assembly by twisting the iSesamo sideways to create a gap.

    • Place the iSesamo under the top right corner.

    • Pry up the touch screen assembly by twisting the iSesamo sideways to create a gap.

  • Insert a spudger into the gap on the top edge of your Fitbit Charge 2. Use the spudger to pry up the touch screen assembly.

    • Insert a spudger into the gap on the top edge of your Fitbit Charge 2.

    • Use the spudger to pry up the touch screen assembly.

    • Do not remove the touch screen assembly all the way yet—it's still connected to the motherboard.

  • Carefully fold the touch screen assembly in the direction of the bottom edge.

    • Carefully fold the touch screen assembly in the direction of the bottom edge.

  • Use a pair of blunt nosed tweezers to remove the black sticker which covering the touch screen connector. Use a pair of blunt nosed tweezers to remove the black sticker which covering the touch screen connector.

    • Use a pair of blunt nosed tweezers to remove the black sticker which covering the touch screen connector.

  • Use the pointed end of a spudger to open the ZIF connector by pushing up the gray flap. Use the pointed end of a spudger to open the ZIF connector by pushing up the gray flap.

    • Use the pointed end of a spudger to open the ZIF connector by pushing up the gray flap.

  • Pull the touch screen flex cable straight out its socket. Remove the touch screen assembly. Remove the touch screen assembly.

    • Pull the touch screen flex cable straight out its socket.

    • Remove the touch screen assembly.

  • Almost done!

    If possible, turn on your device and test your repair before reassemble.

    To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

    Take your e-waste to an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler.

    Opening didn't go as planned? Ask our Answers community for help.


    If possible, turn on your device and test your repair before reassemble.

    To reassemble your device, follow these instructions in reverse order.

    Take your e-waste to an R2 or e-Stewards certified recycler.

    Opening didn't go as planned? Ask our Answers community for help.

    How To Fix Cracked Fitbit Screen


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